Tent School Student Sponsorships
Proven time and again... education breaks the cycle of poverty and gives hope.
- Providing hope for the hardest to reach... especially where state provision is absent.
- Girl's education is the single best development investment among aid agencies.
- "Almost 1/5 of the world's population lacks access to basic education.
- Although worldwide literacy rates have increased dramatically over the last century, 17% of the population remains illiterate. That's 1,275,000,000 people who cannot read or write."
(source: ourworldindata.org)
Join us in providing hope and a future through education! Sponsor a child today!
100% of YOUR donation
goes toward YOUR cause.
How is this possible? Open Storehouse raises funds from private donors to cover operational costs, so there's no administrative fee taken from the money YOU give. 100% of YOUR gift goes directly to the cause YOU choose. Experience the joy of giving!
leave a legacy.
What will YOUR legacy look like? Why not create something BIG? Why not create something lasting?
It really is more blessed to give than to receive.